Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Notes On An Energy Management - 2287 Words

Table of Content Table of Content 1 Executive Summary 2 Introduction 3 An Energy Management Strategy 4 An ongoing process 6 Structure and features of CGC’s new system 7 How to use the Energy Management Matrix 9 How to facilitate good energy management 10 Data Analysis and Reporting Assessment 11 Data Analysis 12 Data Analysis and Reporting 13 Objective 13 Activities 13 Implementation Schedule and Project Plan 14 Allocation of Roles and Responsibilities 15 Roles and Skills Assessment Worksheet 16 References 17 Executive Summary In the case study CGC has hired a Director of corporate planning to resolve the supply and contract issue in the company. She has been introduced with a conceptual design of an Information system to sort out the†¦show more content†¦It can lead to productivity improvements through the continuous monitoring of energy performance, and savings opportunities that, once implemented, are sustained over the long term. The performance information generated by an EMIS enables organizations to take actions that create financial value through the management and control of energy. EMIS and the various business processes that it can support within an organization. It shows that an effective EMIS requires communication, integration and a commitment to continuous improvement in order to result in optimized performance. Operational Energy Management Information System (EMIS) An Energy Management Strategy When you commence a structured approach to energy management, experience shows there is a clear sequence of events that brings the best results. Any organisation, whether introducing energy management for the first time or upgrading it’s existing efforts, needs to be aware of this and adapt its activities accordingly. 1.Organise management resources Once commitment from senior management is achieved, establish a clear accountability for energy management with appropriate allocation of financial and staffing resources as well as reporting procedures. 2.Appoint an Energy Manager Appoint a senior staff member as the energy manager. This person is responsible for the overall coordination of the strategy and reports directly to senior management. The

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