Friday, August 21, 2020

Verlan - French Slang à lenvers

Verlan - French Slang lenvers Verlan is a type of French slang that comprises of messing with syllables, sort of similarly as pig Latin. Not at all like pig Latin, be that as it may, verlan is effectively spoken in France. Numerous verlan words have become so ordinary that they are utilized in regular French. To verlan a word, just separate it into syllables, switch them, and set up the word back. So as to keep up the right elocution, the verlaned word regularly experiences some spelling alterations. Pointless letters are dropped, while different letters are added to make elocution consistent. There are no genuine guidelines for this; its only something to know about. Note that few out of every odd word can or ought to be verlaned; verlan is utilized basically to underscore or conceal the importance of the fundamental word(s) in a sentence. How It Works Lets start with the word lenvers, which implies the opposite. Separate lenvers into its two syllables len and vers. Transform them, set up them into a solitary word, and afterward change the spelling: lenvers... len vers... vers len... verslen... verslen... verlen... verlan In this way, you can see that verlan is lenvers articulated lenvers (turn around articulated backward). Lets attempt another model: pourri... pou rri... rri pou... rripou... ripou Most single-syllable words are simply articulated in reverse. fou oufcool (from English) looc Make It a Stride Further The above models are entirely basic, however verlan gets progressively confused with regards to the e muet, which is a significant sound in verlan. Words that end in e muet (like femme) and words which end in an articulated consonant and which for the most part have an e muet sound attached onto the end (like flic, which is typically articulated flique) hold the sound of the e muet when they are verlaned. Also, when the syllables are turned around, the subsequent last vowel sound is some of the time dropped. flic... fli keu... keu fli... keufli... keuffemme... fa meu... meu fa... meufa... meufarabe... a ra beu... beu ra a... beura... beur Verlan was concocted as a mystery language, a path for individuals (prominently young people, sedate clients, and crooks) to convey openly before power figures (guardians, police). Since quite a bit of verlan has gotten fused into French, verlan keeps on developing - in some cases words are re-verlaned. Beur, generally heard during the 1980s, has been switched again to reub. Keuf has been re-verlaned to feuk, with a reward - it currently takes after an obscene word in English. Here are some basic verlan terms that you ought to have the option to perceive. Recall that verlan is a type of slang, so you likely shouldnt use it when conversing with somebody youâ vouvoie. balpeauâ â â verlan ofâ peau de ballemeaning: nothing, zip barjotâ â â verlan ofâ jobardmeaning: insane, crazy un beur (now reub)   un Arabemeaning: Arab blã ©caâ â â verlan ofâ cablã ©meaning: popular, in unâ brelicaâ â â verlan of unâ calibremeaning: pistol uneâ ceclaâ â â verlan of uneâ classemeaning: class cã ©franâ â â verlan ofâ franã §aismeaning: French chanm㠩â â â verlan ofâ mã ©chantmeaning: mean, terrible chã ©branâ â â verlan ofâ branchã ©meaning: cool, connected chelouâ â â verlan ofâ louchemeaning: obscure, questionable uneâ cinepiâ â â verlan of uneâ piscinemeaning: pool uneâ debanâ â â verlan of uneâ bandemeaning: gathering, band unâ skeudâ â â verlan of unâ disquemeaning: record, collection faisâ iã ¨cheâ â â verlan of faisâ chiermeaning: its exhausting, irritating unâ fã ©caâ â â verlan of unâ cafã ©meaning: cafã © à ªtre auâ fumparâ â â verlan of à ªtre auâ parfummeaning: to be up to date uneâ gnolbaâ â â verlan of uneâ bagnolemeaning: vehicle, junker geudinâ â â verlan ofâ dinguemeaning: insane jourbonâ â â verlan ofâ bonjourmeaning: hi unâ keblaâ â â verlan of un Black (from English)meaning: dark individual kã ©bloâ â â verlan ofâ bloquã ©meaning: blocked, got unâ keufâ (nowâ feuk)â â â verlan of unâ flicmeaning: cop (proportional to cop, copper, pig) unâ keumâ â â verlan of unâ mecmeaning: fellow, fella laisseâ bã ©tonâ â â verlan of laisseâ tombermeaning: overlook it, drop it unâ lã ©pouâ â â verlan of unâ pouletmeaning: cop (proportional to cop, copper, pig) loocâ â â verlan ofâ coolâ (from English)meaning: cool uneâ meufâ â â verlan of uneâ femmemeaning: lady, spouse oufâ â â verlan ofâ foumeaning: insane pã ©choâ â â verlan of uneâ chopermeaning: to take, scratch; to get captured uneâ pã ©clotâ â â verlan of uneâ clopemeaning: cigarette leâ peraâ â â verlan of leâ rapmeaning: rap (music) unâ quã ¨mâ â â verlan of unâ mecmeaning: fellow uneâ raquebarâ â â verlan of uneâ baraquemeaning: house relouâ â â verlan ofâ lourdmeaning: overwhelming lesâ rempaâ â â verlan of lesâ parentsmeaning: guardians unâ reufâ â â verlan of unâ frã ¨remeaning: sibling uneâ reumâ â â verlan of uneâ mã ¨remeaning: mother unâ reupâ â â verlan of unâ pã ¨remeaning: father uneâ reusâ â â verlan of uneâ sÃ¥urmeaning: sister ripouâ â â verlan ofâ pourrimeaning: spoiled, degenerate laâ siquemuâ /laâ sicmuâ â â verlan of laâ musiquemeaning: music unâ subâ â â verlan of unâ busmeaning: transport à ªtre dans leâ tarcolâ â â verlan of à ªtre dans leâ coltarmeaning: to be depleted uneâ teibouâ â â verlan of uneâ bouteillemeaning: bottle uneâ teufâ â â verlan of uneâ fã ªtemeaning: party tirapeâ â â verlan ofâ partirmeaning: to leave tisorâ â â verlan ofâ sortirmeaning: to go out uneâ tofâ â â verlan of uneâ photomeaning: photo laâ tourvâ â â verlan of laâ voituremeaning: vehicle leâ trom㠩â â â verlan of leâ mã ©tromeaning: tram zarbiâ â â verlan ofâ bizarremeaning: unusual unâ zarfalâ â â verlan of unâ falzarmeaning: pants, pants uneâ zesgonâ â â verlan of uneâ gonzessemeaning: young lady, chick zyvaâ â â verlan ofâ vas-ymeaning: go

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